
Blog Creators Craft Statement

The creators of this blog want to give students a chance to voice all of our opinions and organize our thoughts into one unified voice. We agree with the faculty statement, but we think that students have unique concerns that need to be addressed.

The point of this blog is to start a conversation among the Medill community that is not anonymous, inflammatory and/or libelous.

To that end, we have sent this statement to Medill students and alumni and urge them to join the 240 students and alumni (and counting) in signing this petition to be sent to the dean and administration by the end of the week. The facebook group "Save Journalism at Medill" created by the blog contributors has 252 members.

If you have not received the petition but want to sign it, email savejournalismatmedill@gmail.com

Be heard. Be part of the conversation.


medillstudent said...

"I feel honored to be able to tell friends that I attend the greatest journalism school in the
nation, and I will not have that tarnished."

Darren McRoy (Medill '10)

*Comment sent to savejournalismatmedill@gmail.com, reprinted on this blog with McRoy's permission.

medillstudent said...

Gail Evans Janensch, Medill MSJ 1966, "agrees that the NU magazine is a journalism venue and that good
journalism abhors fabricated quotations and use of unnamed sources. It is embarrassing to have the Medill Dean caught up in such a controversy. Good PR practitioners and integrated marketing communicators also know the pitfalls of the above named problems and the best in these professions avoid them just as good journalists do.
There is no wiggle room for the Dean, no matter which profession
possessed his writer's pen for his comments in the magazine.

I congratulate the 08 Medillians spearheading this reasoned and calm
petition and for opposing anonymous signers or comments."

*Comment sent to savejournalismatmedill@gmail.com and reprinted here with Gail Evans Janensch's permission. Janensch identified herself as "A former reporter, VP corporate communications, and college
adjunct professor of both journalism and PR."